Asiamold 2009

Release Date:2009-12-16 10:32:05

On September16-18,2009,Guangzhou International Mold Design and Manufacturing Technology and Application Exhibition-Asiamold 2009 hold at Pazhou - Poly  World Trade Pavilion. Mr.Liang Jinrong,Mr.Wang Xinfei and Miss Zhang Xiaoqing on behalf of our company to participate in the exhibition. The exhibition,  booth area of Kaihua is 40 ㎡ with special equipment and novel and unique booth design . On the exhibition,  the Kaihua's company culture and philosophy, management processes, design specifications and quality control system production demonstrated  once again, which showed a good image of Kaihua,expressed Kaihua's powerful mold designand and making capabilities and a strong level ( diagram below).